Infrastructure / Residential

Cartwright Gardens

The Garden Halls are located in the Bloomsbury area in the Borough of Camden, London. The halls cover an area of approximately 1.45 hectors and is bound by Cartwright Gardens to the west, Hastings Street to the north, Sandwich Street to east and Leigh Street to the south. The Garden Halls house student accommodation comprising of stand-alone Townhouses.

Cartwright Gardens


£69 million

Who Was Involved

01. Architect

TB Bennett

02. Structural & MEP Engineer


03. Main Contractor


Zutec consulted with Multiplex their client, consultants and subcontractors during the construction phase of Cartwright Gardens on the handover process, providing an online platform for all concerned parties to upload all handover related information.

As with any multi million pound development, project handover is a key component in completion and Zutec’s Digital Operations & Maintenance Manuals were used as a collaboration tool for all subcontractors to upload all of the required handover information which is essential for a smooth handover and successful running of the building post-handover. All information uploaded was brought through a workflow and validated by the various certifiers.

The system allowed each subcontractor to issue their handover information for review to Multiplex. Multiplex then accepted or rejected that information depending on site conditions.   Zutec provided the CDM health & safety consultant on the platform for the H&S file as well as access to the operation and maintenance manual. The CDM consultant was then able to identify and use items from the Digital Operations & Maintenance Manuals tool that were necessary to complete the health & safety file. The Zutec Digital Operations & Maintenance Manuals provided real time reports on the handover documentation progress which enabled Multiplex to effectively track and capture all the required documentation in time for handover.

Post construction UPP opted to maintain the Zutec licence. UPP are now using the Zutec online platform and the Snagging & Defect Management tool to manage their daily planned maintenance tasks, to carry out site audits and to create PPM reports.


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