Below you will find the details of new features found in Zutec’s July 2022 release, across our in-browser Cloud platform and our Mobile Field application.
All the Cloud features are available but won’t take effect unless you choose to use them.
The Mobile application changes improve the experience for all our users and will take effect as soon as each user updates their mobile app.
*Zutec Field Mobile App will be available once approved through the App store.
Zutec Cloud – New Form Builder
Form Builder – Hidden Sections
Form Builder – Link Signatures to Name and Date Inputs
Zutec Cloud – Raised Linked Issues
Zutec Cloud – User Management, Export & Import Users
UK Legislation – Regulation 40 Requirements
Zutec Cloud – New Form Builder
Introducing Zutec’s new redesigned Form Builder. Create Custom Forms quickly with Zutec’s new Drag-and-Drop Form Builder.
Manage all your project Forms using the new Manage Forms Interface. Search and manage existing Forms and create new Forms.
View the Form, Edit details and design, Share the Form to other Projects, and introducing the new feature to easily Reorder Pages within the Form.
From the Manage Forms page, select More Actions
- New Page
- Click on the New Page button
- Enter the Name of this new page and Save.
- This will append the page to the end of the Form.
- Page Options:
- Rename Page
- Click on the Edit icon beside the page Name
- Edit the Name
- Click on the Save Icon to save the page name.
- Edit Design – This will open the form on this page to edit the design.
- Delete – Click to Delete a page in the form.
- Reorder Pages
This new feature allows you to reorder your pages in the form easily,
- Click on Reorder button
- Click on the Page you wish to change.
- Drag the Page to the desired location
- Click on SAVE ORDER button to save the changes.
Edit Details
- Click to display a popup window to Edit the Form Details
Summary Fields
- Click to display a popup window to Manage Form Summary Fields
- Select Each Field Name and Label and click on ADD FIELD Button
- These are the Fields Displayed on the Register Columns.
- Click on Delete Icon to remove saved Summary Fields.
- Share – Click to display a popup window to Share this Form to another Project you have access to.
- Publish – Click to display a popup window to Publish the Form.
Publishing a Form
A Form must be Published in order to assign it to a Register.
- Publish
- Create and Assign to a New Register Type
- Assign to an Existing Register Type
- Assign the Form to a Register
- Select Create to create a new Register Type and enter a Name for this Register Type.
- This will assign this Form to this new Register Type.
- Select Assign to assign this Form to an existing Register Type.
When designing Forms in order to have Register Inputs, the Form must be Published and Assigned to the Register Type first.
Unpublish a Form
- To Unpublish a Form open a Published form in the Form Builder(Design mode).
- Click on the UNPUBLISH button located to the top right of the Form page.
- Click to Unpublish the Form.
- This will display a popup window to confirm this action.
- Once confirmed, it will unassign the Form from the Register Type, and it will now display this button as PUBLISH.
- Once the Form is Unpublished, all input type are now available to add to the form.
Form Builder New Interface
The new Drag-and-Drop features allows you to drag and drop elements and inputs onto the Form, completely transforming the user experience, and reducing the time and complexity in designing your digital forms.
The new Tool bar includes alignments tools, select and deselect all, and delete.
Other New Features include:
Multi-Select – Select multiple elements and inputs on the page using the New Multi-select feature, by clicking and dragging over the elements to select.
Resizing Elements – A new feature allows for the resizing of elements including inputs and images, by clicking and dragging to adjust.
Publishing Forms – When the Form has been designed, it can then easily be Published. By Publishing a Form it assigns it to a Register.
Select Multiple Elements
There are 2 options to select multiple elements on the Form page.
- Click and drag the mouse over a number of elements to Select.
- Click on one element, and press CTRL on the keyboard and click on more elements to select.
- Once selected each element is outlined with a red dashed line.
Two options with Multiple Elements selected.
- Click on the Arrows Icon to move the selected.
- Click on the bottom right corner and drag outwards or inwards to resize all elements.
To Navigate through the pages in the Form
- Select Page Number (1,2,3,,,)
- Select the right or left arrow to move forward and back through the pages.
- Select a Page from the drop down list of pages ordered by page number.
- Displays the directory to display what page is currently displayed.
- Forms / Form Name / Page Name
- Autosave displayed to the top right of the Form, to indicate that all changes made are Automatically saved.
Form Settings
- Select the Settings Icon on the top right of the Form Page.
Resize Page
- Edit the Width and Height to resize the page, and click on the SAVE
Note: Width and Height are measured on pixels.
Default Size : Width 794 and Height 1124 (A4 page in Portrait).
Background Image
- Add a Background Image to the Form.
- Click on the Browse Button to find the image from your computer.
- Once an image is selected, the image will display.
- Select CLEAR to remove image.
- Click on the SAVE button to save this image as the background image.
Note : For images smaller than the page size, the image will be repeated on the page.
Background Opacity
- Click on the slider bar to increase or decrease opacity of the Background Image.
- By Default the opacity is set to the highest, displaying the image with no opacity set.
- Increase or decrease the size of the Grid Lines by editing the Width and Height.
- Default is set to 10 x 10.
- Measured in pixels.
Import Form
- Import an existing form page into the current form page.
- Select Form – from the list of existing forms.
- Select Page to import from the Form.
- Click on Append or Replace
- Append : Add after the elements on the page.
- Replace : Replace all the elements on the page.
Label Input:
- Name the Label
- Edit the Font Family and Font Size.
- Select Continue button to add the label.
Textfield Inputs
- Enter the Name of the Input
- Edit Width and Height if required.
- Add Label – This is checked by default, meaning a label with the same name as the Input will be added. Deselect if no label is required.
- Click on the Continue button to add this input and the label to the Form Page.
Image Elements
- Browse to select the Image required.
- Edit Width and Height if required
- Add Label – deselect if not required.
- Click on the Continue button to add this image to the Form.
Editing Elements and Inputs
- Click on the Label to Select it.
- Click on Delete Icon to remove this Label.
- Click on the Edit Icon to Edit the Label
- Edit:
- Name
- Font
- Font Size
- X and Y Locations. (see other option to change location)
To Move a label on the page – click on the label and drag the label to desired location.
- Click on the Textfield to Select it.
- Click on Delete Icon to remove this Textfield.
- Click on the Edit Icon to Edit the Textfield
- Edit:
- Name
- X and Y Locations. (see other option to move the textfield).
- Width and Height (see other option to resize).
- Move a textfield on the page – click on the textfield and drag the textfield to desired location.
- Resize a textfield, by clicking on the bottom right corner and dragging outwards or inwards.
Edit Image
- Click on the Image to select it. This will display the Delete and Edit Icon.
- Click on Delete to remove the Image.
- Click on Edit to edit the image.
- Select Browse to select a different Image.
- Change x and y locations to move the image. (See other option to move the image location)
- Edit Width and Height. (See other option to move the adjust Image size)
- Click on the Image to Select it.
- Move the Image location by clicking and dragging to a new location on the page.
- Resize the Image by clicking on the bottom right corner and dragging outwards or inwards.
Images, Labels and Textfields can be resized.
Signatures, Dates, and File uploader cannot be resized.
A New feature added to the Form Builder allows the option to add Hidden Sections to Forms. This can be very useful where forms have inputs laid out in a tabular design, and the User displays each section where required.
With Hidden Sections the User decides to display each section to fill in the inputs.
Click and Drag a Hidden Section onto the Form Page, and add elements to the section.
- Open up a Form in the Form Builder.
- Click and Drag a Hidden Section onto the Form Page.
- A Hidden Section is the width of the page, and has a default height. The Height can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the bottom horizontal line.
- Add Elements and Inputs onto the Hidden Section.
- It is important to display one row of elements and inputs first, then the hidden sections.
- Hidden Sections can be removed by clicking on the Delete icon to the right of the Hidden Section.
When the User is creating a new record / Filling in the Form, the Hidden Sections are indicated by a + Icon and a blue shaded area.
- A Hidden section is displayed one at a time. Click on + icon to display each one.
- The + icon will be displayed only where there is Hidden Sections.
- A popup will display for the User to confirm the display of the Hidden Section.
A new Feature added to Forms, to allow for a link to be created between a Signature Placeholder and a Name and Date Input from the Form.
By creating a link, it saves the user from entering their name and date when signing a Form. It also improves data integrity, whereby the Name and Date of the Person that has signed the Form is captured every time.
Linking Signatures to Inputs – Configuration
The Form must be Published (Assigned to a Register) in order to link the inputs to the signature.
- Locate the Form from Manage Forms.
- Click on Edit, to open the Form Builder.
- Click on the existing Signature Placeholder
- Click on the Edit icon on the Signature Placeholder
- This will open up a popup window.
- Click on Link with date and name inputs. This will display Date and Name
Note: Both Name and Date must be selected.
- Select a Date and Name Input to link this Signature Placeholder to, and click on save.
- When the Signature has been linked to the inputs, a Link icon is displayed on the Signature Placeholder.
When filling in the Form
When a Signature is linked with date and name inputs. The person filling in the Form, just needs to sign the form, and their Name and Date will be populated when the Form is saved.
- The Name and Date Inputs – are disabled, and cannot be edited.
- Click on the Signature to enter the Signature.
- The Name and Date will be populated when the form is
- The Name and Date are captured in the inputs.
Zutec Cloud – Raised Linked Issues
This new feature allows the User to Raise Issues when filling out a Form, and based on configuration it will auto-populate information entered in the current form into the new form, reducing manual entry and decreasing the time it takes to fill in the forms.
- Allows for the Raising of multiple Issues from an individual Form, creating a link between the records.
When filling in Inspection Forms, raise multiple defects without having to leave the current inspection form.
Full Admin Configuration to allow for a fully customisable feature, whereby multiple Registers can be linked and mapped.
The Raise Issue feature is available from a Form only.
Raise an Issue from:
Form → Form
Form → Record
Note : It is not possible to raise an issue from a record to a record, or a record to a form.
- For each Register to be linked, Navigate to each Register, to More Options → General and Set Record Linking ON.
- Select Assign an Issue Register from More Options Section. This will open the Assign Issues Register screen.
- Select each Register required to assign as an Issue Register for this Register.
- Once an Issue Register is assigned, then Issues can be raised for the Registers selected.
- Set Field Mapping for each Register Assigned.
Note : Field Mapping is not mandatory, as it is possible to Raise Issues without mapping fields. See benefits of Field Mapping.
- Select each Register by clicking on the checkbox, and click on Setup Field Mapping This will open the Issue Register Field Mapping Screen.
Benefits of Field Mapping: Mapping of fields from the Register to the Issues Register, allows for auto-population of these fields when raising an issue from a Form to the Raise Issue.
This reduces the time for the User filling out the Form when raising an issue, as all the mapped fields are pre-populated from the original form, thereby saving the User time by not having to re-enter all the information again.
Note : When Mapping Fields ensure the data types match eg. Date Field -> Date Field.
Custom Value : Allows you to set a particular value to the Field.
Form : Can apply to the whole Form, or set particular mapping for individual pages within the Form.
- Map Fields for the Issues Register
- Issue Register : Select Register, this will be the Register that the Issue will be raised to (destination).
- Issue Field : Select Field of the Issue Register (Destination field)
- Map Field : Select Field to the source register to map the data from.
- Custom Value : Add a Custom Value to map to the Issue Field.
- Form : Select Form, or Form Page.
- Add : Select to Add.
Once Added the Mapped Fields settings will display below under Existing field Mapping Section.
Displaying :
- Issue Register (Destination Register)
- Issue Field (Destination Field)
- Map Field (Source Field)
- Custom Value
- Form
- Remove – Click to remove the mapping.
Mapped fields : A Source Field can be mapped to multiple Issue Fields.
Raising an Issue
- When filling in a Form, and an Issue needs to be raised. Select Raise Issue tab from the Form page. This is located at the top right of each Form Page.
Note : The Raise Issue Tab is only displayed on the Forms that have Issue Registers Configured.
- This will open Select Issue Type
- Search a Register, and Select Register Name.
Raise Issue to a Record Example:
Raise Issue to a Form Example:
- Complete the Record or Form, and click on Save.
- On this Raised Issue is Saved, it will navigate directly back to the page on the original Form, to allow the User to complete the Form, or Raise further issues.
- Ensure to Save the Form.
- This Raised Issue is displayed on the Form Page as Issue, and number of issues displayed.
- To View this Issue : Select Issue from the tab.
- To Raise a new Issue click on the exclamation icon on the Issue Tab.
Note: Multiple Issues can be raised from a single Form.
- View Raised Issue – This will open a Popup to select the Issue Type. Select to navigate to the raised issues, which will navigate to the Register listing the Raised Issues.
- A column is added to the Register : Raised By, indicating that the issue was raised from another Form.
- Click on this icon to view the source Form that raised the issue.
- Once an Issue has been raised from a Form, a new column is displayed in the Register named : Issues.
- View Issues Raised by clicking on the Issus icon, and selecting the register, to navigate to the issues.
If a Form has raised Issues, and Issues Raised to it, then the Register will display Raised by and Issues column.
Zutec Field Mobile App – Raised Linked Issues
This new feature allows the User to Raise Issues when filling out a Form in Zutec Field, and based on configuration it will auto-populate information entered into the form into the new form, reducing manual entry and increasing the time it takes to fill in the forms.
- In Zutec Field open a New Form, there is a new tab for Raise Issue located on each page of a Form.
Zutec Cloud – User Management, Export & Import Users
This New Feature is available in the User Management Module. Export all your current Users from the application into an excel file.
Bulk Import Users into the platform, by uploading an excel file, and the system will import all the users and their details.
- On User Management – Two new buttons are displayed, for Exporting Users, and Importing
Export Users
Export all your users on the Project to Excel with one click. The export displays all the users details including:
- Users Name
- Email
- Last Activity
- Organisation
- User Groups
- Distribution lists
- Click on the Export Users Button on the Manage Users Screen.
- This will download the list of users to an excel sheet.
Import Users
Bulk Import Users into Zutec Cloud, this allows for easy addition of users onto the Platform.
- Navigate to the Manage Users screen
- Select Import Users This will display the Import Users Screen.
- Download Template File.
This will download the template file to use. All the users details should be added to this file.
Template File: All fields in the template file are Mandatory.
- Email
- Organisation – This must be an Organisation must match an Organisation on the application.
- Firstname
- Surname
- Mobile Phone
- Role
- Upload File
- Browse your computer, or drop files into the area to upload the file.
- Select Import Users Button to upload all Users.
- When the Users have been imported successfully, it will display a Success Report.
Note : If any errors exist in the file, for example invalid email address. An Error Report display each row and cell number in which there is an error. The error must be resolved in the Excel sheet, and uploaded again.
UK Legislation – Regulation 40 Requirements
Zutec have already launched Regulation 40 features, below are some improvements to make it even better.
- Capture GPS coordinates for every image uploaded through Zutec Field Mobile App. This ensures compliance as part of the new Regulation 40 part L photographic evidence.
- Auto-rename photos upon upload. Rename photos based on a configured column.
- A new setting on a Review Status, to ensure a photo is attached to the Record/Form. This ensures a photo is attached before the record can be reviewed.